RGB color model

  • 网络RGB颜色模型
RGB color modelRGB color model
  1. Study on 3-D Profile Measurement Methods Based on RGB Color Model


  2. RGB color model is selected for current study .


  3. Distinguished arithmetic for cotton impurity based on RGB color model


  4. Normalized rgb color model based shadow detection


  5. By converting pixel value from RGB color model to HSL color model ;


  6. Pseudo-color coding from phase-modulated image based on RGB color model


  7. In this dissertation , fringe projection 3-D profile measurement methods based on RGB color model were researched .


  8. Pels points of cotton and other things are distinguished by adopting RGB color model .


  9. At the same time , this article uses the SNP shadow detection method , which is based on the RGB color model .


  10. Firstly , the photometric invariance of rgb color model was studied and some of its important properties were deduced .


  11. From the RGB color model , this paper proposes a new seal extraction algorithm that can extract a clear and complete seal image .


  12. Secondly , due to the invariability of rgb color model , RGB model is convert to rgb model ;


  13. An introduction of RGB color model and YUV color model , the particular analysis of skin color in photo use YUV color model .


  14. On computer screens colors are defined through the RGB color model ( R stands for red , G for green and B for blue ) .


  15. Besides , it supplies the computer visual filling technique of dispersed field isograms , treating triangular gridding by use of the RGB color model .


  16. To overcome the problem in RGB color model used to deal with video shot detection , proposes a method based HSV-color space model of scene cutting in video abstraction .


  17. In order to reduce the disturbance produced by the illumination change , after comparison , a method was proposed , selecting B component under the RGB color model to conduct the separation of leaves .


  18. A practical segmentation algorithm is presented directly based on RGB color model , which saves computation for color space transformation , achieves similar results with other algorithms and adapts well to the variety of image quality and map version .


  19. Transforming the RGB color model images captured by the CCD into HSI color model images , training this neural network and approximating the nonlinear relationship between the color and the temperature based on BP neural network , the temperature is calculated .


  20. However , this paper presents a method that segments the hand gestures with complex backgrounds through the combination of motion and skin color based on KL Transformation , in contrast with traditional hand gesture segmentation based on RGB color model in some environments .


  21. Firstly the RGB color model must be chosen . The next step is to detect the values of R , G and B. The seed will be deemed as the third level if one or more of their values surpass the range of threshold value . 3 .


  22. With regard to color transformation , the RGB and IHS color transformation model has been used .


  23. After analyzing both the advantages and disadvantages of the RGB and HIS color space model , the authors build a new stamp Abstraction model and propose a new fill algorithm .
